Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7

Evening of July 7th. Had a great ride today. Covered 411 miles. Incredible scenery again with lots of snow covered mountains, rivers, and lakes. Saw a big ole grizzly bear next to the road eating berries. We stopped and he just kept right on eating. I turned my bike off so as not to scare him and started taking pictures. He looked up at me and started walking towards me. I think he was thinking, "I wonder if that thing tastes better than these berries." I started thinking options. If he starts running to me, do I throw the camera at him, drop the bike, and run over behind Glen or try and get my bike started and into gear and buzz off before he reaches me. About then he started eating berries again so I decided I had enough pictures. He was really close! Also saw some moose and another black bear.
My squeak turned out to be my rear brake. I had new brake pads put on the back before I left and they were a little close. I used my rear brake a bunch today and no more squeak. We went through a long section of road today that was built on permafrost and the road has lots of places where it has heaved. Makes either a speed bump or a big ditch in the road. It was hard to tell how much to slow down so I followed Glen back a ways and when I saw him airborne I slowed way down. Worked good.
Bunch of construction as well. I hate going through construction on a motorcycle. All that loose gravel and mud. I slipped and slided around a lot. I kept crying out, "help me Jesus" and managed not to fall.
We are in Tok, Alaska tonight. The campground had some nice little cabins that were $5 more than a tent sight so we are in one of those. I should stay warm tonight. That will be nice. We will be in Fairbanks tomorrow so I will get to see my grand kids and daughter Shelly. Philip her husband is gone on a river float trip.