Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Morning, June 20

Every night I put this very nice, waterproof cover on my bike. I lay across the seat of the bike everything I don't want to get wet if it rains. I have an alarm that I connect to it so that if anybody pulls on it in the middle of the night this terrible, awful, incredibly loud siren goes off. It would then wake me and I would yell at the would-be robber to get out of here before I have to get up and beat him up. :-) Well, this morning I got up at my usual 5:30am and forgot about the alarm and set it off. Then I couldn't remember how to shut if off, but I eventually got it. This is Saturday morning, with zillions of people from Philadelphia camping. Oh well, so much for their sleeping-in morning.

Today will be different in that every mile up to now has been according to my plan that I have been making for the last year. Today I will make it up as I go, having changed because of not wanting to go into New Jersey on a Friday night. I will try to keep from getting lost.

It is now 10am. I have been riding for 3 hours. Rain started coming down so hard that when a car came by me from the other direction it about washed me off the road. I am not feeling safe at all about riding in this. I stopped at a little food mart that has no gas because a pump is leaking. I'm sitting inside drinking coffee. There is no business because of no gas so the young man running the place who is from India is enjoying my company. There is a motel up the road 30 min. that I located with his help. A low-end beater type that has rooms for $40, so if the rain doesn't let up in an hour I will head there. The weather station here in the store says tomorrow will be better. The whole world is praying for sunshine in New York so Tiger Woods can play golf at the U.S. Open, so I hope that helps me. :-)

Well, here it is noon on Saturday my 20th day of riding, and I am sitting in a motel room because of torrential downpours in Amish Country, Pennsylvania. I am in Morgantown. I will spend the day studying, writing, reading, and see if I can get several really good sermons done. I will work at not feeling lonely, bored or depressed. :-)