Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday - June 8

Last night it was really cold camping in Colorado. I kept getting up and putting clothes on all night, even my dirty ones. My "light-weight" sleeping bag is indeed light weight. Looked like a really fat man when I got up this morning. Good breakfast of oatmeal and flax seed!

Spent a lot of time praying the last couple of days. Got everybody in the church prayed for. I pray for Patty and my kids and grandkids every day. Having a really good time with God on this trip.

Rode 12 hours today and made it over the Rockies. Wouldn't have taken quite so long but there was an accident that closed the road and I went ahead and took the detour rather than waiting several hours. Ended up getting lost because my GPS is not working - I think I've dropped it one too many times. Finally got to my camping place tonight which is in Clayton, NM, right on the Texas - New Mexico border. As I was setting up my tent I noticed there was no dirt at this campground - it's all gravel. Could be an interesting night! Stay faithful.

Love ya, Dee