Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wow, I only have one more day before I am off to Alaska. I am getting really nervous about the trip. It is always a puzzle to me as I think about it, what causes that weird feeling in my stomach before events like this. Is it fear? I am sure that the nervousness last year was fear being a total novice at motorcycle riding and not having a clue about what was going to happen having never gone to most of the places I was going. But this year I have 30,000 miles of motorcycle experience this past year and Patty and I drove the exact route last year in our car so I know exactly where I am going and what to expect. I think it is more anticipation than anything. One of the reasons I do so much planning, research, reading, and writing about these trips before I go is that I enjoy what anticipation does to me. It seems to give me more enthusiasm and energy and just makes life simply more fun. I like fun and it is nice having learned how to create a lot of it in my own life by doing those things that builds anticipation.

I have learned at this stage in my life that thinking a lot about going to heaven and imagining what that is going to be like creates a lot of anticipation and the benefits that go along with anticipation.

I am going to spend a lot of tomorrow packing my bike. Love ya all. Dee